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卖国求荣网 4227 2024-07-05 23:48:36




2024-07-05 23:20

He has also been accused of using his influence to make the government choose Kake Educational Institution, run by a close friend of Abe's, to open a new department in a government- designated special economic zone

2024-07-05 22:45

It was not the first time for Lee, now an activist, to travel around the world to tell people what it means for her to seek justice, especially for those who did not survive to hear a formal apology from the Japanese government

2024-07-05 22:00

"I told him that we had just started here and we should at least spend five years in the city before judging whether we should move to another place," Cho said

2024-07-05 21:59

However, those who deny history in Japan denigrate them as "paid prostitutes" or "willing volunteers

2024-07-05 21:36

She herself knew little of the province or its capital at that time, so she decided to have a look before taking her family there